empowering breakthrough drug discovery

in respiratory medicine

what we do

Spirovation is a specialty CRO affiliated with the Marsico Lung Insitute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, combining world-class academic scientific expertise with the operational capabilities of a contract research organization. Our mission is to empower breakthrough drug development in respiratory medicine by providing leading scientific knowledge and the broadest array of translational medicine capabilities in respiratory research.

Scientific Leadership

Access to world-renowned academic scientific expertise and capabilities in respiratory disease research.

Operational Excellence

A streamlined, efficient operational approach that facilitates access, expedites contracting and provides superior service.

Why SPirovation?

our services

target ID &
primary screening

Services include tissue culture and reagent supply, electrophysiology and more.

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functional screening &
lead selection

Services include biochemistry, in vitro functionality, mouse models, and more. 

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clinical proof
of concept

Services include clinical assessment, biomarker evaluation, aerosol deposition and more.

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Marsico lung institute

Leading scientific expertise from one of the world's most renowned respiratory centers.

* Highly Cited

* One of the nation's top recipients of federal research funding

* Faculty and staff devoted to understanding the causes, prevention, and treatment of respiratory disease


By fusing academic scientific leadership with operational efficiency, we help our partners develop new, differentiated therapies.

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  • Office

    7107 Marsico Hall, CB# 7248 UNC-CH
    Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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