histology core

The Core provides high quality light and electron microscopy services in support of the research goals.

Services Available
Light microscopy services include prosection, tissue fixation, processing, embedding, sectioning, staining and cover slipping of paraffin, frozen and soft plastic tissue sections. In addition to the routine H&E (Hematoxylin & Eosin) and AB-PAS ( Alcian Blue- Periodic Acid Schiffs) stain, we provide a wide array of special stains.

The histology core also provides expertise in all aspects of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Services include specialized and routine fixation, tissues processing, ultramicrotomy, staining, photomicrograph production and analysis. Access to a high pressure freezer and automated freeze substitution is available as well.

A highlight of the core facility is our specialized procedure for histological evaluation of airway cells grown on porous membrane supports. This technique was featured at a workshop given by Kimberlie Burns at the national Society for Histotechnology Region III meeting in 2007.