Mouse models core

The Mouse Models Core Laboratory operates under the supervision of Dr. Wanda O’Neal and is dedicated to in vivo studies involving transgenic and knock-out mice generated or procured through the Marsico Lung Institute.

Generation and characterization of congenic βENaC -Tg lines (in C57BL6N, C3H/HeN, BALBc/J, FVB/NJ, 129/Sv genetic backgrounds).

Transgenic lines that overexpress different combinations of ENaC subunits (a and/or β and/or g).

Transgenic lines that overexpress low amount of βENaC transgene (low-overexpressor line).
Crossings of βENaC-Tg mice with selected gene-deleted mice (TNFa, IL-4Ra, MyD88, TLR2, TLR4, Muc1, Muc 4, Muc16, Muc5ac, Muc5b, CFTRDF508, NLRP3).

Administration of pharmacologic treatments aimed at preventing and/or blunting the insurgence of obstructing lung pathology.